Mobile Asset Tracking Webinar

Attended by leaders across mission-critical manufacturing facilities, the session was a great opportunity for production and calibration professionals to discuss all things mobile asset tracking and Wirepas. This session was a golden opportunity for such professionals looking to level up their operational efficiency.
Mobile Asset Tracking
30 Minute Watch

Dive deep into the world of mobile asset tracking technologies, suitable for professionals in production, operations, engineering and calibration. Enhance your production capacity and master the art of seamlessly locating assets across industrial facilities.In this live webinar, you will gain insights into:

- The broad spectrum of mobile asset tracking technologies.
- An in-depth exploration of the scalability, robustness, and cost-effectiveness of Wirepas Mech Technology.
- Reasons why leading pharmaceutical organisations are adopting PlantQuest’s Mobile Asset Tracking Solution.
- An overview of asset tracking hardware and its key functionalities.
- Strategies to enhance the efficiency of your Asset Tracking solution.
- A case study on how a pharmaceutical facility achieved an efficiency gain of €925,000 per year by tracking mobile production equipment.
- Opportunities to connect with industry experts and peers.

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